A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

This is my first game ever, so I would be pleased if you could give as much feedback as you can.

The game is still in development, more levels should arrive.

Visit caves without color and read messages left by an ancient group to understand how to bring back the colors thanks to the gems and the portals.

*How to win
In order to complete a level, explore the level, read the signs and understand the structure of the level. Then find the altar, interact with it, and chose among four color combinations. The colors must form a possible from the beginning of the level to the altar.

Select a level in the menu. Dark gray levels are still locked. Colored levels are completed and can be replayed.
Use A/D or Left Arrow/Right Arrow to move left or right (Q/D on AZERTY). Press Space, W (Z in AZERTY) or Up Arrow to jump. Press it in the air to make a double jump. Press S or Down Arrow to fall back faster. Press E to interact with objects. Hold Left Shift to go back to the beginning of the level.

*Educational part
This game makes the player discover automata. Each room is a state, while a portal is a transition labeled by the color. At the end, you must chose a word accepted by the automaton represented by the level. To achieve this, you should understand the structure of the level.


One level takes between 1 and 5 minutes. There are 8 levels for now. Future levels might be longer.

*Supported OS
Linux, Windows.


ColorFlow.zip 164 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the donwloaded file, and launch the version corresponding to your OS :

  • color_flow_linux.x86_64 for Linux
  • color_flow_windows.exe for Windows


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Good game!

I think that this is an AMAZING first game, as you really well-choosed the graphisms, how they fit together and the idea is well executed. The transition are a bit too slow: I understand that you tried to write a nice story, but not all players play game for the stories, so having a “skip” option is always a good idea :D

The UI feels a bit wrong, especially for the gem sequence entering screen. Try changing the default font and feels of the UI for something that suits a bit more the overall athmosphere! But overall your winning sequence with the removing of the grayscale effect is SPOT ON! Congrats on that!

I’d say your best room for improvement are in animations: it’s usually (I don’t know godot that well) not hard to add a walking animation, even if it’s just a squash-and-strech one, and they add a LOT to the overall feels of the game.

The SFX sounded great :D

If you ever decide to make your own game fully (including graphism and sounds), a great tool to create your own 8bit sound effect is https://sfxr.me/ and a greater tool for pixel art / animation is https://www.piskelapp.com/

Good luck on your game-dev journey! Starting with godot is harder than unity I’d reacon, but I’m sure you’ll manage.